Final Symposium
See you in Gembloux at the end of August

It is already the third and last year of the program. A final symposium is organized by Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (University of Liège, Belgium), on August 30th and August 31st 2023.

The first day will be dedicated to a scientific conference, where a call of abstract is open until June 02nd  and the second day will highlight the use of the technologies in the different agricultural and livestock experiments within the campus of Gembloux. The two days are open to all, so do not hesitate to join us to close AGreenSmart with those nice events.

Do not hesitate to
submit your abstract!

For the scientific conference, if you are PhD students, researchers, or other experts and if you want to present your latest results related to the projects topics (precision agriculture, animal husbandry, robotics, big data and artificial intelligence, climate change adaptation and mitigation, agroecology and sustainable agriculture), do not hesitate to submit your abstract!

(You must create a new and free EasyChair account to submit your abstract).
Submit your abstract
